I’ve always had a desire to share my thoughts about Jesus and His Word and the impact He has made on my life. One Sunday morning, while still in bed, I felt in my heart that I should purchase a domain and start a blog. A few ideas for domain names came to my mind and I reached for my phone and started checking for their availability. One of those names was thirstingforjesus.com. I really liked this one and was about to buy it right away. But before I pulled the trigger, I decided to wait. I thought to myself that maybe this was an impulse buy and I should give it a bit more time. Perhaps, another name would come to mind.

With expectant heart I went to church later that morning. Over the past several weeks, our church had been going through a series titled, “Sayings of the Cross.” This particular Sunday, the message was on the fifth saying of Jesus on the cross from John 19:28: “I thirst.” I could hardly contain my excitement when the pastor revealed the passage for his sermon. In his own words, the pastor stated that the main idea of his message was this: thirst for righteousness today and be filled or thirst for everything else forever. Having tasted many of the things the world has to offer, I’ve personally come to realize that nothing satisfies the deep longings of my heart more than the living water that comes to us through Jesus. I praised God for the confirmation He had given me that morning and as soon as I got back home, I purchased thirstingforjesus.com. My prayer is that the pages of this blog lead you to thirst for Jesus and find living water.

John 4:13 - “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”